1. What is your favorite genre of music?
Post-rock I guess. But I wouldn't say I had one.
2. Who are your favorite artists (at least at the moment).
Kaki King, maybeshewill, gramatik
3. How important is music in your life? How often do you listen to it?
I listen to it every day. But I generally don't know/care at all about the artists.
4. Why are you a member of Music Banter?
Originally to ask a specific question.
5. What does this community mean to you?
Recently joined, so not too much.
6. Does your opinion of someone get better if you find that they enjoy the same music that you do?
No, but my opinion may be tinged if they adore music I strongly dislike.
7. Do you find yourself drawn to music that is less well known? Why or why not?
Yes, mostly because I find pop music boring even if it is catchy.
8. Do you enjoy searching for new music/music you have never heard before? Is the act of searching for music as enjoyable as the music itself?
I enjoy searching for music, but the point is to find music more enjoyable than searching through songs you may or may not like. I listen to some music I was years ago.
9. Do your friends outside this community listen to similar music that you do?
I'd say about 50% of it overlaps.
10. Would you consider yourself a music snob, an elitist, or even, dare I say, a hipster?
11. What does music mean to you?
Mood changer and enhancer.