1. What is your favorite genre of music?
I honestly can't choose a favorite genre. Not even an "at the moment" one.
2. Who are your favorite artists (at least at the moment).
If by favorite you mean what I've been listening to the most lately:
Chapterhouse, Home Brew, Johnny Cash, Leonard Cohen, M83, The Misfits, and the new Mountain Goats and GY!BE albums have been getting a lot of play. I tend to latch on to certain albums for short periods of time and listen to them incessantly until I get tired of them.
3. How important is music in your life? How often do you listen to it?
Pretty important. Probably 3 hours per day on average.
4. Why are you a member of Music Banter?
I tried talking about music on another forum that wasn't dedicated to music and that got boring pretty quickly so I searched and found MB.
5. What does this community mean to you?
I haven't thought of it as having a meaning. I've met some good people here though.
6. Does your opinion of someone get better if you find that they enjoy the same music that you do?
7. Do you find yourself drawn to music that is less well known? Why or why not?
Yes but not because it's less well known. I'm also drawn to a lot of music that's very well known.
8. Do you enjoy searching for new music/music you have never heard before? Is the act of searching for music as enjoyable as the music itself?
No, in fact, I kind of hate searching for new music. That's a big reason why I like MB. When I want something new, I check out the "what are you listening to now" or the recommendation types of threads because I know I'll find a bunch of youtube videos that have already been hand-picked by others.
9. Do your friends outside this community listen to similar music that you do?
Yes. Probably none of them like everything I like (and vice-versa) but I have some musical interest in common with all of them.
10. Would you consider yourself a music snob, an elitist, or even, dare I say, a hipster?
11. What does music mean to you?
It doesn't mean anything other than entertainment to me. That said, music that I consider to be great is my favorite type of entertainment.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.