Music Banter - View Single Post - So I'm working on an essay... on MusicBanter. I could use your help!
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Old 10-09-2012, 01:41 PM   #6 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Originally Posted by Blarobbarg View Post

The questions:

1. What is your favorite genre of music?
Rock of all kinds, with a major slant towards progressive rock. Also some metal.
2. Who are your favorite artists (at least at the moment).
Changes all the time as I discover more, but the ones that I have actively "followed", as in, bought all their albums and then each new one as it came out would be: ELO, Genesis, Springsteen, Waits, Marillion, Bon Jovi, Nanci Griffith, Iron Maiden and a long list of others. As I discover new artistes I like, I'm getting their albums either retrospectively or via discographies. I'd include the likes of Big Big Train, Spock's Beard, Pendragon and Gazpacho among them.
3. How important is music in your life? How often do you listen to it?
Could not live without music. I don't listen to it all the time, but certainly when doing tasks like washing, making my dinner, cleaning etc, when I go for a walk, on a bus, and of course for reviewing. How often, I'd say probably at least twice or three times a day, though in terms of hours I couldn't say. Might listen to a few tracks while doing the washing up, then again when going for the shopping, then when making my dinner and so on. Of course, I could spend hours at a time listening to it, but due to my home circumstances I need to be able to listen out for my sister calling, so can't really wear headphones and just sink back into music while at home...
4. Why are you a member of Music Banter?
Like a lot of people, I came here to promote something, but soon found a lot of interesting, like-minded people. Mind you, first time I was here the perceived sense of superiority and the idea that people looked down on me because I listened to what would be termed "mainstream" music pushed me away from the place. It was only a few years later that I decided to come back, with a fresh approach to people's attitudes (basically, eff them if they didn't like my music; what did they know?) and restarted my journal, which has given me endless hours of enjoyment, even if it is hard work sometimes. I like to be able to share my love of music, and my appreciation of, or disappointment with, the albums I listen to. It's also great to be introduced to new music I would otherwise not have considered trying.
5. What does this community mean to you?
Sad and cliched as this may seem or be, the people here are sort of my only friends. I had to leave my job three years ago to look after my sister, and never had a very active social life. MB is my outlet, my window to the outside world. I've made a lot of friends here, and on the odd occasion they've been instrumental in keeping me sane(ish)...
6. Does your opinion of someone get better if you find that they enjoy the same music that you do?
Not at all. I respect people who have different music tastes to mine, but the important thing is that they don't denigrate my music or try to tell me theirs is better. There's room for all opinions here.
7. Do you find yourself drawn to music that is less well known? Why or why not?
Doesn't matter. I can enjoy music that's well known or music that nobody at all knows (or seems to know). Its fame or lack of it means little to me: the important thing is to enjoy it. I do, however, bemoan the lack of familiarity some of my favourite, more obscure artistes, enjoy, and wish more people knew of them. I try to address that through my journals.
8. Do you enjoy searching for new music/music you have never heard before? Is the act of searching for music as enjoyable as the music itself?
Not really, no. I know that the chances are that if I look for obscure music I may be a long time getting around to listening to it, if ever. My hard drive is bursting with music I've yet to hear. What I do like to do is that once I find a band or genre I like, to try to seek out similar music.
9. Do your friends outside this community listen to similar music that you do?
Non sequitur.
10. Would you consider yourself a music snob, an elitist, or even, dare I say, a hipster?
I'd have to say something of a snob, not quite an elitist, but it bugs me when people know only one or two songs from an artiste and refuse to look further into their music. I like to know my bands, and I like to if possible have all their basic work --- I'm not into special editions, collections, rarities or even live albums that much. I do however like to know who the bands I listen to are, what they stand for, how long they've been together and so on; their history, if you will. Again, this is information I use in my reviews.
11. What does music mean to you?
Cliched answer # 15,907: everything. Seriously. If I had no music there would be a huge gap in my life. I've tried playing (keys) but am excruciatingly bad, but I'm happy to listen. I get great enjoyment out of music. It can colour or change my mood, help me relax, or move me to tears or even anger if done correctly. I could not exist in somewhere like Iran, where music is banned.
I may have some follow up questions later. Thanks again (if anyone cares enough to answer a few, anyway).
By all means, fire away!
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