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Old 10-09-2012, 08:11 AM   #26 (permalink)
Urban Hat€monger ?
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Originally Posted by Rock N' Roll Clown View Post
That's what I'm talking about. After 20 years nobody will remember kesha, nobody remembers her even now.
I'm not so sure that's true.

My first exposure to music was to the acts in the charts in the mid 80s. I can still remember most of those acts that played then, both the successful ones that people still remember today and the ones that were either one hit wonders or novelty songs with no artistic merit whatsoever because that's the era of chart music I remember. Hell I talk to people my age some of whom have no interest in music and those acts are the ONLY ones they remember.

In 20 years time as long as there's still daytime local radio and a market for people not really that interested in music buying compilation albums with titles such as ' The Hits Of 20__(Insert Year Here) the likes of Kesha will live on.

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