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Old 10-08-2012, 09:37 AM   #1745 (permalink)
Do good.
Blarobbarg's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 2,065

You guys should just be a guitar orchestra. EVERYONE on guitar! All the time!

Anyway, here's a few people off the top of my head.

FPK: A cool guy with surprisingly good taste in music who has a hard time with the language we use. I used to be really annoyed at him, but I'm good with him now and honestly have a hard time imagining MB without him. He is a bit of a perv, though.

HHBH: A very smart dude with many an interesting idea who just happens to be a jackass and is totally cool with that. Always makes threads fun to read, and is hilarious in the Shoutbox when he actually shows up.

Forward to Death: A wonderful Canadian lady who enjoys her coffee shops two stories tall. This is not a euphemism.

Hermione: A drunk feminist dominatrix who rarely posts, but always complains in the shoutbox. Enjoys arguing.

Urban Hatemonger: He hates you, you, you, and probably you. And most likely me.

Trollheart: Awesome guy with a great sense of humor and an offbeat writing style, but I can't stand his music. No offense man.

Geekoid: He is never really around any more, but he is definitely one of my favorite new people. I love his journal.

Vanilla: A woman after my own heart. Fighting for the rights of others, caring about those that don't have anyone else... she's great. She dominates the Electronic forum (but not like Hermione).

Everyone in the Rock & Metal subforum are amazing, if you are not listed here. I hardly contribute, but I love stalking everything in that section. So much good stuff to listen to.

There's some other people that are cool too, but I can't remember their names at the moment.

。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ ^my RYM^  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆

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