So... I really want to write a song and I have some ideas but every time I write some lyrics I think that they are to emberasing or not good at all, and the music part doesn't go well with me.

I would love if you could help me like offer advice or a melody of some sorts cuz I have this like feeling where I wanna scream but I can't so I though of writing a song and saying everything I want that way... help?
I'm into pop (I guess?) but with a little bit of rock, I don't know really... It depends on my mood...
I don't offer any reward I'm just saying if you have nothing else to do maybe you could help, I'd love some advice on my lyrics (cuz I have some I just don't show them to anyone) and if possible a melody of some sorts I don't care if you just need lyrics for it or if it's just something you wrote when you were two XD I'd love trying to write a song and some help along the way (who knows maybe I'm actually better at it than I think
