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Old 10-05-2012, 04:31 AM   #1705 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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HHBH is an enigma to me. The first time I encountered him was through what was laughingly termed his journal, which was rather quickly shut down after personal insults seemed to form its mainstay. The way he wrote in that, like someone let loose with a crayon in a mental institution, I assumed he was either a) very young or b) in need of some professional help.

Then I read some of his other posts, and was so amazed to see that they were not only well thought out and written, but that he used language, grammar, spelling and capitalisation properly, something that had never happened in what could almost be termed a stream of consciousness in his journal, that I honestly thought either he had someone else writing for him, there were two people with the same username or he had multiple, or at least two, personalities.

I'm still not sure what to think: the kind of thought and preparation that goes into many of his posts, particularly political ones, is surprising considering how haphazard and how much a train wreck his not-lamented journal was.
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