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Old 09-26-2012, 09:01 AM   #1684 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Where people kill 30 million pigs per year
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Originally Posted by Trollheart View Post
You also chose, somehow, the perfect word to describe me, maybe, as I am indeed passionate about the things I love [...] and when necessary I do fight for them, but I'm always ready to admit when I'm wrong. Not always easy, but then sometimes taking a step back and realising you owe an apology is the best way to defuse a rapidly-escalating situation.

...I think I'd still rather be the sort of person who would have a fiery arguement/heated debate with someone rather than someone who would just let all the conversations pass me by passively. You'd probably be surprised to know that in real life I'm a totally easy-going person: the phrase "I just want a quiet life" was probably invented for me! Live and let live.

I'm always happy to share my meagre music experience here, after all that's part of what we're all here for, isn't it? On a side note, I wonder if you've managed to check out my journal yet, as I'd be interested in your opinions.

Thanks again for such kind praise: I'll keep trying to live up to it!

I'm glad you feel the "passionate" adjective fits, Trollheart. I can well imagine that your philosophy is "live and let live," but, like you, I'd rather be in a heated argument than passively let a conversation go past me. (Yes, I have checked out your resurrected journal--very thorough and descriptive!--but I haven't read it all...yet! )

I admire your willingness to give apologies when you feel they are necessary. I try to give them, too. Speaking of which...

Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Not even a single adjective?
Oh dear. I had hoped you would know I was joking about "saving the worst for last." I debated with myself whether I should use the after my non-comment about you, but I thought that since our "thang" is to show affection by shooting barbs at each other, you'd know I was joking. So, my apologies if you felt I was being serious.

Being serious *now*, the first adjective that popped into my mind to describe you is...


The second was...

brazen. As in, "You're a brazen hussy, David."

I've always been amused by your creative putdowns of me that you used to give more frequently, because they showed you were putting in effort. I suppose you've been busy and haven't had much time to think of something to amuse a random person on the Internet. But when weeks go by and I haven't seen a single jab, I start to think: maybe he doesn't like me! It's like walking into a bar (which I never do) and seeing one of my old drinking buddies, and he doesn't even punch me (lightly) in the arm in greeting!

(Notice that I emphasized old for a reason. )

Originally Posted by ribbons View Post
Erica, thank you so much for your kind comments and for including me in your post. Also, for attributing that adjective to me – I appreciate it very much and it made me feel happy and worthwhile on a less than wonderful day. Thank you for doing that, Erica. You have always been so very supportive of me when I’ve wished for it the most. Whatever support I have offered has been deserved by you many times over, and has been scant return for the support you have given to me. I think both you and I know that. While reading your post, the thought entered my mind that all the positive adjectives you rightfully attributed to others could easily apply to you – passionate, self-controlled, loving, generous, romantic, loveable, playful Erica. That’s you!
Thanks, Liz. I'm sorry your day was less than wonderful and I'm glad my comments cheered you up. And about all those adjectives...that's so true!
Originally Posted by Neapolitan:
If a chicken was smart enough to be able to speak English and run in a geometric pattern, then I think it should be smart enough to dial 911 (999) before getting the axe, and scream to the operator, "Something must be done! Something must be done!"
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