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Old 09-25-2012, 08:36 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 3

I'm self taught. My parents were against it (still are), but then when I showed then I could play a few chords, they quickly left me to my own devices. Learning on your own can be tough.

What you need is a lot of imagination. Without this, you won't be getting anywhere. Quick chord changes call for imagining the next chord you want you play in your mind while you're still playing the current one.

Self taught also means that you tend to rely on power chords more often than other chords. You may find the others too hard and you may not have any motivation. The best cure for this will be to figure out the chords to some song and then check them out with Ultimate Guitar Tabs. Don't go for Guitar Pro. A few of the tabbed ones will be very tough for a beginner.

Another thing to remember is to start easy. Start with C, G, A, D chords. Learn to switch between them quickly.

The other thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to practice. Without that, you'll be getting nowhere. Another thing is that when you're not close to a guitar, imagine playing one, picture the fingering of the chords in your mind and then strum an imaginary guitar.

Each free moment you get could be utilised to practice switching chords. Switching chords should become flesh memory. You shouldn't even think twice about looking down at the fret board to see your finger positions; you should just be able to get it right on the first try.

And last of all, good luck! You'll need it.

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