Music Banter - View Single Post - The Beatles vs The Beach Boys
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Old 09-24-2012, 10:41 AM   #490 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 28

Originally Posted by NYSPORTSFAN View Post

I think we agree on The Beatles. I understand how innovative they were and the effect they had on music in broad terms. Even if you want to break it down to them just being a solid foundations of musicians, what a group of artists to pool your music from. All guys were capable of playing any instrument less Ringo, and they had two of the greatest songwriters of any era ever.
The problem I have is I am not even debating whether the Beatles were instrumentally as good as the Who or Cream but if you listen to something like "Eleanor Rigby" for example the integral part of the song is built on just vocals and string octet with a modal melody. There is no rock instruments the sting octet is driving the sound and the lyricial content is dark. It might not be Sun Ra experimental but where did the Beatles come up with something like this? It's totally unlike what other rock musicians were doing at the time. The song has been widely covered by a lot of musicians to show it's appreciation of the song.

By the way "Eleanor Rigby" was a big influence on Pete Townshend of the Who and he was not alway's kind to everything the Beatles did.
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