Music Banter - View Single Post - The Beatles vs The Beach Boys
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Old 09-24-2012, 06:36 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NYSPORTSFAN View Post
Well that's one of the areas the Beatles surpassed their mentors as you say no one expected 50's rock and roll to think in terms of albums. The Beatles had the songwriting and musical ability to think past of having a hit single. Basically rock band has followed that blue-print ranging from Led Zeppelin to the Black Keys.
They surpassed their mentors by becoming popular in a different era? I'm not so sure I consider simply being born later as much of an accomplishment.

Originally Posted by NYSPORTSFAN View Post
It's like many of the Merseybeat bands like Gerry and The Pacemakers and the Searchers couldn't adapt to the emerging psychedelic and progressive rock movement but the Beatles did and was a key influence on many of the key players of that movement including the Byrds, King Crimson, Pink Floyd and yes the Beach Boys. Chuck Berry and Elvis didn't really adapt to these changes.
The Beatles didn't adapt to the 70s. According to your logic I guess that means The Clash were better than them.
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