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Old 09-24-2012, 05:48 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by NYSPORTSFAN View Post
Those songs were composed by the Beatles and the idea for the orchestra was McCartney's. From I have read Lennon even produced the mono version of "I Am the Walrus" even though I am not downplaying George Martin. What about the people who played on Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley records?

Compared to Elvis and their mentors they had the whole package. Elvis was just a vocalist not a songwriter or musician in the caliber of any of the Beatles. The Beatles songs in terms of melodic and chordal content goes way further than someone like Chuck Berry and 50's rock and roll in general. The Beatles not only had classic singles but a album run of Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper, White Album and Abbey Road that none of their mentors could approach.

Rubber Soul and Revolver combined Eastern, country-western, soul, and classical motifs with trend-setting covers, breaking any mold that seemed to contain "rock and roll." In both albums, balladry, classical instrumentation, and new structure resulted in brilliant new concepts just hinted at in earlier works like "Yesterday" and "Rain." Songs such as "Tomorrow Never Knows," "Eleanor Rigby," and the lyrically surreal "Norwegian Wood" made use of sophisticated recording techniques. .
I feel like the bolded sentence is an unfair comparison. The heyday of people like Chuck Berry was a time before the era of albums, so naturally they can't be evaluated in terms of what kind of "album runs" they had.
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