Originally Posted by Neapolitan
It should be noted that The Beatles have been influenced by (just to name a few) early Rock and Roll artists like Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, & Gene Vincent, Country and Folk Revival artist Buck Owens, Bob Dylan (respectively), Indian Music artistss namely Ravi Shankar, and yes even their contemparies like The Rolling Stones... and The Beach Boys. If The Beatles "got the gold" it was because they were standing on the shoulders of giants.
It should be noted no music is 100% percent original and without influence. Those same people you mentioned were infuenced by other people also. It's more like IMO the pupil surpassed the mentors and went on to create music that is so unlike the basic blues/country roots of rock and roll or the typical pop music of the day.
Yet the Beatles in the end did their own thing something like a "Day in the Life" or "I Am the Walrus" brought together the classical orchestra, the rock band, and the technology of the studio, bringing together three disparate worlds: pop entertainment, avant-garde composition, and high-brow artistic sensibility is unlike anything the people you say were standing on the shoulders of giants. They surpassed them IMO and many people feel that way. Honestly I think Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley were great. In terms of influence since the Beatles broke through in the states in 1964 I would say the Beatles have influenced more musicians, songwriters and music producers substanially by a wide margin.