Originally Posted by Screen13
I have not heard too much of their music from the last decade (being in the US, its not even promoted much let alone released), but East of the Sun... and Memorial Beach have a place in my collection. #4 was a $1 cut-out find (cassette, now long gone due to over-play) bought during the Winter, about two years after it's release, and it was perfect with my drive home. With #5, I first bought the casingle to Dark Is the Night, then the album, not thinking that I was possibly the only one within at least a 50-100 Miles' distance from anyone else who bought it (it was Grunge Time, and in The Midwest...you know what that means).
The Blood That Moves the Body was the song that sold me on a ha as someone to listen to, although Stay on These Roads was VERY hit and miss. Thankfully, that dollar plus tax I spent on #4 was well spent.
Originally Posted by Screen13
I had to get my memories right, making sure that they are on the money.
I think that they are seriously a very under-rated band, and it's seriously hard to convince people around me about this, as all that many remember is "Take On Me," and not even "The Sun Always Shines on TV" (damn it...and it was the better of their two US Top 40 hits). The moodiness of Memorial Beach caught my ears right, and I do feel that it should be checked out by anyone interested.
Sure, they were always a lot more popular here in the UK than they were in the USA. Their debut is a pop classic with songs like "Train of Thought" "Living a Boys Adventure Tale" and "Here I stand and Face the Rain". Their second album was just so moody and cool for its time. Their third I loved a lot as well
Stay on These Roads, especially the songs "There's Never a Forever Thing" "Out of the Blue Comes Green". East of the Sun.... and Memorial Beach were the band breaking out from pop and into American based rock and I thought they did it very well.
Originally Posted by tore
A-Ha may be the most popular Norwegian pop act ever so of course I know them quite well. I was quite fond of Memorial Beach when that came out (I was a kid then basically so it's a while ago), but haven't really been an active fan since then. Still, their hits are a nostalgic and slightly guilty pleasure.
Of their old hits, I think this is the one I enjoy the most.
I find it hard to not think of Morten Harket as a bit douchey in a pretentious sort of way, but the guy can definitely sing. 
Pal Waaktaar was a superb songwriter and Morten Harkett was born to sing. His voice was great on any type of song with a fantastic range as well. He was always at his best on the slower tracks as well.