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Thread: a-ha: any fans?
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Old 09-17-2012, 05:04 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default a-ha: any fans?

One of my favourite bands ever, and probably the first actual "pop" band that I at first grudgingly admitted I liked, then later got totally into their music and loved them. Such a pity they called it a day. Feel free to post your favourite a-ha songs in their memory: here are some of mine...

My favourite a-ha album by a mile is "Analogue", and it has so many good tracks, but I particularly like these two:
A fine blue line

The summers of our youth

Ah hell, I have to include Halfway through the tour!

Then there's "Lifelines", with the brilliant title track

so many other good tracks, but let's move on to "Minor earth, major sky", from which I choose (though it's a hard choice) Velvet. Dodgy video (NSFW); great song.
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