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Old 09-10-2012, 10:29 PM   #5 (permalink)
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* Havalina (since 2003). Indie pop and rock. A very good band. One of the best at the moment, in my opinion. These songs are Las hojas secas ("The Dried Leaves", 2010; a metaphor for an impossible love) and Imperfección ("Imperfection", 2009):

Las hojas secas

♫ "De tu dolor ................................ There aren't remains
ya no queda nada. ................................ of your grief anymore.
Y ahora hace tanto ................................ And now it's been so long
que se perdió ................................ since you lost
toda tu luz, ................................ all your light,
todo tu encanto... ................................ all your charm...

Ahora sueñas con volver, ................................ Now you dream of coming back,
pero temes saber ................................ but you're afraid of realizing
que las hojas secas ................................ that dried leaves
sólo pueden caer. ................................ can only fall down." ♫

Incursiones ("Ventures", 2009) and La pared ("The Wall", 2010):

La pared

♫ "Si no estás, ................................ If you're not around,
sólo queda la pared ................................ it only remains the wall
y su olor desnudo. ................................ and its plain smell.

Recordar ................................ Recalling [old times]
me lleva sin querer ................................ leads me, without meaning to,
a tu lado. ................................ to you.

Queda la pared ................................ It remains the wall
y el recuerdo ................................ and the memory
de mis manos ................................ of my hands
sobre tu piel. ................................ touching your skin.

Queda la pared ................................ It remains the wall
y ahora el tacto ................................ and now the touch
de tus manos ................................ of your hands
sólo duele. ................................ is just painful.

Si tu no estás ................................ If you're not around,
sólo queda la pared ................................ it only remains the wall
y su aspecto ausente. ................................ and its bland look.

Y el recuerdo ................................ And the memory
de tu olor ................................ of your scent
es aplastante. ................................ is overwhelming.
Y me llena... ................................ And it fills me up...
y me lleva... ................................ and it takes me away...

Queda la pared ................................ It remains the wall
y el recuerdo ................................ and the memory
de mis labios ................................ of my lips
sobre tu sien. ................................ on your temple.

Queda la pared ................................ It remains the wall
y ahora el tacto ................................ and now the touch
de tus labios ................................ of your lips
sólo duele. ................................ is just painful.

Sólo después ................................ Only after
del doble ................................ yesterday's mistake
error de ayer, ................................ twice made,
hoy se aprende. ................................ things can be learnt today." ♫

"Lullabies for adults / crossed by the years / carry the flower of disappointment / tattooed in their gloomy melodies."

Last edited by Zaqarbal; 12-21-2016 at 03:03 PM. Reason: Video links fixed.
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