Awesome isn't it?
No laptop for 3 weeks, fixed today so I have been watching quite a few films!

A tale of physical and mental abuse that has an outstanding central performance and moments of surrealism and flights of fancy that curiously make the film much more uplifting than it's subject matter suggests. Well worth checking out.

Hmm. As a prequel it definitely ties into the first film very well but after I watched it, I wondered what was the point of it really as I didn't get any amazing revelations and I really wish it was old school FX and not CGI. A decent watch but not a film I will bother with again.

Crap. Looks amazing but godawful script.

Great to look at and I really hate to dis the rejuvenated Hammer Films but it bored me but then I am not too fond of ghost stories as very few actually offer anything new to the plate.
A gang of hoodies terrorise a school after hours, they don't speak and you never see their faces which is a great touch. It is well shot and refreshingly lacking cliches but I have rarely seen a film that doesn't have an ending or motivation for the assailants but it's a well made film for the budget.

Based on a true story. It's a creepy little thriller regarding a married couple living in the countryside who are terrorised by some locals with shocking consequences. The last shots are very powerful but just a one view film for me.