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Old 09-09-2012, 07:10 AM   #60 (permalink)
mr dave
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Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
Honestly? She couldn't take 5 freakin seconds to write it down? If she ever comes back, let us know if she learned to fill out her own cheque.
By getting someone else to fill it out it's an easy way to turn around at the bank and claim someone else used your cheques without your approval and have the value reversed after all the evidence/groceries are gone. Tweakers might seem stupid but they're pretty sharp when it comes to fraud.

Speaking of fraud....

One of my first call center jobs was running background checks on bank account applicants in the states. Basically there's this program / system in place between the majority of banking institutions where they share basic information about customers. It's not quite a credit check more like a personal responsibility check on how you handled past bank accounts. So when you tried opening a new account with an institution they called my 800 number, gave me your name, address, social insurance number and in return I told them if you had any NSF fees or other financial blemishes over the last 5 years.

So one day I get a call from an older lady and she's telling me about this nice couple moving to her area and how she's got to do this boring formality in order to open their account. She gives me their names and socials and my screen fills up. Different name, same social, suspected fraud. A few months later, different names, same social, suspected fraud in another state. Just years worth of records pointing out the fact that this couple was running some kind of scam. We were just a reference service, all we did was let the person on the other end of the phone know what we learned about their potential clients. When this old lady heard - fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud, fraud she stopped me and told me 'This can't be right, this couple seems so nice. Can I still go ahead and open their account?'.

I told her it was her decision to make. Pretty sure she was looking for a new job the following week.
i am the universe

Originally Posted by bandteacher1 View Post
I type whicked fast,
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