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Old 09-06-2012, 06:10 AM   #58 (permalink)
Burning Down
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Originally Posted by Mrd00d View Post
Lady wrote me a check today. Didn't fill in the Pay To: part. I gave it back to her and told her she forgot to put the store name on the check. She said, "oh you go ahead". I say "It's improper for me to do so, the store is <such and such>, here's the check back and pen." And she refused. I was like... uh... I'm not filling out your check, I don't think I'm even supposed to" She was about 45, not like... grandma or anything. She did seem to turn out to be a tweaker though (surprise surprise). So she gets all butthurt and goes over to a cashier that she recognizes and asks him to fill the name of the store in. He similarly flat out refuses and pulls a receipt out with the name of the store on it so she can copy it over to her check (in case she was embarassed that she couldn't spell it or remember it) but that wasn't the case, she just refused to write on that line. So he just ... haha... walked away. So she's back to me and giving me tweaky flailing and an attitude of "you're being difficult, do it for me". And I apologize again, and as I'm reaching to call for backup from the boss, she storms over to the office and has the owner of the store/ the boss fill it for her. And she goes through a different checkstand and sneers at me (it was suspended and it can be resumed at any terminal) I smirked and continued helping normal shoppers. Then I asked my boss after it died down "WTF" and he goes "... I don't know, don't worry about it, no big deal". What a weird weird transaction. Tweakers. That's 'wtf'.

For reference, it's not a franchise, it's a local mom n pop grocery. And the neighborhood is all hippies, college students, yuppies, homeless folks and tweakers. We get all the fun. It's the "bad" part of town. To compare it to the good side of Oakland, we're still in better shape, so it's silly, but we get a lot of crazies and druggies every day. The guy that gave up on her has worked there for 5 years and is pretty secure in his position. But anyway, weirdness. /eyeroll worthy
Honestly? She couldn't take 5 freakin seconds to write it down? If she ever comes back, let us know if she learned to fill out her own cheque.

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
From the other side of the counter...

Yesterday I bought a gift card for my wife. They had a couple different designs so I picked the flowery one I thought she'd like. I go up to the counter and the guy says, "Is this for you? This is kind of a girly card."

Setting aside for the moment the weirdness of commenting on someone's purchase like that, why the fuck would I buy a gift card for myself? Doesn't the very name "gift card" imply that people buy them for other people?
Haha! I'm pretty sure I get judged on my purchases all the time but at least the clerks keep their mouths shut!
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