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Old 09-03-2012, 10:18 PM   #149 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Howard the Duck View Post
^^Lick My Decals Off is my fave Beefheart, actually

just love the multi-layering
It's a fantastic sounding album. I never feel like any of the instruments get muddled or lost. The songs are lean, too, which is something I enjoy. Songs that go on too long are a problem I have with a few of his later works...although nothing too bad. That said...I still prefer Doc at the Radar Station to Decals.

Also, if you're into bootlegs, there is a high quality instrumental version of all the Lick My Decals Off, Baby album floating around. It's very cool, although perhaps only a novelty given how important Don's voice is to his songs.

Originally Posted by Flyingpig437 View Post
I've heard people say that too. I don't see it myself and sometimes play it again and again to try and see something in it but I just don't find any of the songs as good as even the ones on TMR I don't like very much. I'll just have to keep trying to get into it because I'm sure after I familiarize myself with it more I'll 'get it'.
If it's not your cup of tea, you could try his later albums that follow in the same experimental styling, such as Shiny Beast (Bat Chain Puller) or Doc at the Radar Station.
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