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Old 08-30-2012, 08:48 AM   #6 (permalink)
Music Mutant
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Sorry Howard. No offense. I'm a big reader of music press and have been for many years and I often see Animals getting short shrift. I remember when it got released, it didn't get very good reviews at all. As a result, based on MY experience, in MY universe, I think my statement is perfectly justified.

Granted, I don't seem to spend a lot of time surrounded by 'Serious' music listeners. Most of the ones I know either enjoy a good joke or are socially inept and tend to babble incessantly about Baseball for some reason. And THAT might be a good topic for discussion - Why is it that so many music fanatics, especially VINYL fanatics are also fanatical baseball fans? I'm thinking maybe it's a link between catalog numbers/song listings and baseball statistics maybe? Hmmmm.

Anyway, I digress and I must admit, most of the time spent 'deep listening' to Floyd usually occurred when I was also wanged out on some substance or other. It WAS the 70's after all. I guess that doesn't qualify me as being very Serious either.
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