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Old 08-20-2012, 12:15 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
As Blaro and Ki have pointed out, metal isn't the only type of music with a lot of subgenres. But even if it was, so what? Metal fans didn't invent subgenre names just to irritate you, they invented them because they serve a purpose in a conversation between people who know what they mean. If they were useless, they wouldn't be used.
Everything serves a function. And there's always something to be outdone in a lot of these genres you're mentioning. I don't really have a feeling on electronica, but Metal, Jazz, & Punk have a sense of elitism attached to them on a stronger, more consistent basis than say Blues, Rock, or Country.

For example you tend not to get a lot of "Oh thats not real [genre]" in most of the latter genres I listed. Bluegrass is, inexplicably, starting to become elitist as well, and you're starting to see things like Nugrass, Newgrass, and Chambergrass pop-up.

I'm not intending to pick on Metal, but that was the topic given to us.
I've moved to a new address
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