Music Banter - View Single Post - I Farted and Made a New Metal Sub Genre
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Old 08-20-2012, 07:29 AM   #15 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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amusing post title

OP, rest assured it's not just metal that has OCD people flipping out over categorization.

With Mankys simple word bank, you also can create your own sub genre of music.
Simply choose a word from each column.

Column 1: Progressive, Extreme, Post, Brutal, Low-Fi, Electronic, Experimental, Underground, Melodic, Ambient, Psychedelic, Furious, First Wave, Second Wave, Third Wave

Column 2: Thrash, Sludge, Hard, Soft, Blackened, Doom, Avant Garde, Pop, No Wave, Synth, Indie, Tribal, Traditional, Garage, Acoustic, Noise, 'n'

Column 3: Punk, Metal, Rock, Jazz, Hip-Hop, Rap, Ska, Bass, Reggae, Core, Emo, Screamo
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