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Old 08-18-2012, 10:04 PM   #4317 (permalink)
Paedantic Basterd
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I am halfway through book 5 of the Wheel of Time (The Fires of Heaven), and have suffered the first major disappointment, in the form of

Spoiler for Spoilerz:
The totally uncalled for romantic development between Rand and Aviendha. I have no objection to the match that was made, but the way it was written was just sloppy. The two characters argue for months, then out of the blue (through a suspiciously deus ex application of the One Power), they find themselves humping in a blizzard more or less by accident, as if the enormous derailment of character were somehow excused by the fact that it was a spontaneous result of a rescue attempt, after which Rand offers to marry her in a moment completely absent of emotion ("Whoops, sorry about that, looks like we have to get married now"). I just can't accept that he, thus far portrayed as a complete gentleman would piss on propriety, or that she, who lives and dies by the customs and honour of her people would betray an oath spoken to her near-sister.

The whole chapter was just ****ing ridiculous. Jordan should never have dabbled in physical romance, particularly when he's skirted around romance at all up until this ill-conceived chapter, not to mention how dubiously it leans on the Power as a solution or catalyst for the plot development.

Quit ****ing around man, and get back to the storytelling.

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