Music Banter - View Single Post - Do you remember your first Compact Disc purchase?
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Old 10-06-2005, 01:50 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 16
Default Do you remember your first Compact Disc purchase?

I do. It was the Boomerang soundtrack. I honestly don't remember why, must've been a song on there I liked. Boyz II Men I think. :insec:

I think the real fun, though, was hearing the clarity of CDs and the ability to skip/repeat tracks with ease. Oh, how I suffered with cassette tapes.

Next week I will start a new thread "Do you remember the first MP3 you ever downloaded?".
BRIAN JONES - This brilliant multi-talented musician who attempted, albeit unsuccessfully, to juggle drug use with his musical output, died under questionable circumstances on the 3rd of July, 1969. Instead of setting a cronological timeline with the inevitable ending, I have collected images and information which sway freely to and from the early moments of his career and the end of his physical life.
click BRIAN JONES name
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