Originally Posted by R u L e B r E a K e r
there is only one thing i should tellin you if u dont like my spelling y dont u go **** urself cuz i dont care of what you said u sick mother****er son of abiatch u lil piece of **** i'll f u c k all in ur list then i'll f u c k all in ur land and u better suck my **** than listen to some f u c k in music F U C K yo thats all i got to tellin u and if u dont like what i said i'll make LP and LB Ride ur ass like winne horse and if u think that the only samrt mother****er ass in this mother****er world u wrong cuz u died f u c k in pussy
and he calls me a sick mother****er? hahahahaha
alright Mr. I-Take-Raps-From-Andy-Milohakis-Oh-Wait-Even-He-Is-Better-Than-Me, lemme play it to you straight. You are giving MusicIsPwnage and Millybig a run for their money in the super lame competition for worst n00b ever. Now, I will count to 3 days. And while I not really counting since I have a clock that will work just fine, you are allowed to get all of this "Fred Durst is amazing" crap out of your system. If not I shall personally make it my job to know where you live and will proceed to kick your father in the balls so that he may never procreate again, send you're Thai hooker mother (let's be honest, who'd mate with the father of the cretinous Rulebreaker) back to her home country. I would than proceed to do to you what was done to the actress Elizabeth Short. And not to worry, I think it's pretty obvious you have a vagina.
and please for the love of Kid Rock, write you're own "dis raps". Thank you.