Originally Posted by [Bri]
I've only heard one song from them (I really need to look up more) from the Submarine soundtrack-Piledriver Waltz. It has a unique sound to it, and I enjoyed it. Again, unsure why I haven't looked up more. But, from the one song I have downloaded I enjoy them. :P
You should get everything they've done. They change their sound from each album. I advise you start of with the Suck it and See era as you love Piledriver Waltz then start with their debut and second album (WPSIATWIN and Favourite worst Nightmare) then leave Humbug to the end cause it takes a few listens to get used too but its really a great album. Check out their b-sides too wonderful stuff. Also Alex Turner (main songwriter and singer) check out The Last shadow Puppets album and his Submarine soundtrack.