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Old 08-07-2012, 02:31 PM   #1569 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Luimneach, Eire
Posts: 1,107

My last post was done while I was stoned out of my rocket, let me start again.

Janzoon - I love this member, For some reason, with a voice like that I imagine him in a constant state of cigar smoking and coffee drinking and jazz music playing in a background of his life, wearing a suit with a few dancing women nearby. Also a cool guy who seems pretty chill and very knowledgeable.

Pedestrian - Brilliant artist, great thread starter. Quite helpful as well. I really enjoyed her psychedelic pop thread.

Urban - Never really had a chat with him properly or interacted with him. Seems pretty honest and some of his posts seem quite harsh at times, but I like how there is no bull**** about him, he says what he means.

Lisnaholic - One of my favourite members, a gentle soul, chilled out guy with a great taste in folk music.

Hermione - Some people find her comments harsh at times but I love her to bits! I wasn't sure about her at first but then I learned to enjoy her comments and really respect her.

Batlord - My bro. We have a similar sense of humour and he knows his porn.

Engine - Not too gone on this poster. He seems quite sarcastic and condescending. Maybe its just me?

Ki - I say welcome back bro! I might have glanced over the drama but I paid no heed to it.
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