Originally Posted by Urban Hatemonger ?
Ki - I actually respected him for once when he stood up for himself. Up until that point all I'd seen him be is a follower of other people desperate for attention. I doubt he's changed that much, I imagine his girlfriend wears the pants in that relationship.
I won't lie, this is actually very spot on. She does wear the pants in the relationship for a variety of reasons. For one, i've never been in a relationship that's lasted more than a few days, so it's all very new to me as each day passes. You would be right in the assumption that I generally can be desperate for attention, it's nothing to do with anything other than the fact that I spent most of my life by myself, so I try to be as "out there" as possible to get noticed, though it may come off in a bad way. I do however think you and I could be good friends in due time, because I only caught you in a few instances, but I will admit, since being back here full time again, I do see the side of you that others were trying to tell me about when the drama ensued. I guess it was in someway a compulsive attack, but I won't make excuses because I know I screwed up and I take full responsibility for it.
Originally Posted by Goofle11
Ki - I don;t get involved in any of this "forum drama" (or even much of the lounge activity in general) because I am primarily here to discuss music, or at least look at what others are listening to, so I will have missed any of that nonsense. All I can say is that he has started a few threads I like and he has a good taste in music. I also love him for this picture.
Glad to hear it. It's been cool seeing you around the forum as well. Ever since you said you enjoyed the pg.lost album, i've just wanted to share music opinions with you.