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Old 08-07-2012, 10:38 AM   #129 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by TheSpaceCowboy View Post
What do you think of the music that is performed and sung today compared to the 50's, 60's, 70's etc.. I personally cannot stand it. I am 16 years old, and I cannot stand the music that all my friends/classmates listen to. Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Lil Wayne, Wocka Flocka, etc.. it's ****!! I mean ALMOST every rap song nowadays is either about gettin money, sex, ****ing bitches, smoking blunts, and partying. What happened to rap like 2pac that had beautiful poetry and sings songs about life? What happened to Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan, Aerosmith? Why does the younger generation of people listen to the that nonsense crap? Post your opinions.
it's so lame to think like that though? lol. stop listening to the radio if you don't like it. we're in the technology era, it's not hard to go onto youtube and find something you like. and yeah, check out these inspiration and beautiful 2pac lyrics:
"First off, **** your bitch
And the clique you claim
West side when we ride
Come equipped with game
You claim to be a player
But I ****ed your wife"

Originally Posted by shadowtear View Post
I was just wondering, what does the MB community this of this song? It's a fairly popular (but not mainstream) song from the debut album of Ramona Falls, Intuit, which was released in 2009.

i actually really like and i've never heard it until now, thanks for sharing it!

mainstream pop is pretty ****e (when hasn't it been?) but there's so much good music right now. Fleet Foxes, they're like a modern Beach Boys Pet Sounds era mixed with Crosby, Stills & Nash. Yeah Yeah Yeahs are like Blondie but better. Jack White is the guitarist of our generation. Alabama Shakes, they're new but they've got a cool blues thing going. City and Colour is a modern Neil Young. Adele has one of the greatest voices right now. The Black Keys are also obviously blues/rock n roll influenced. The Sheepdogs are southern rock... and there's countless others who have their own original sound, ie Florence + the Machine, The Kills, Beach House, The XX, Tegan and Sara, etc. not to mention there's tons of underground artists who rap about more than ****ing bitches and smoking weed. it's all there, you just have to look for it. i hate that people can't see that there are great artists right now and they're stuck in the past, what's worse is that 90% of the people with that mindset are teenagers. it's pretty pathetic lol. tl;dr this generation has awesome music.
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