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Thread: Helmet!
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Old 08-02-2012, 10:03 PM   #29 (permalink)
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I've always kinda hated Helmet. I mean, they were better than a lot of bands featured on the "alt-rock" radio stations at the time but their songs always got really boring after 30 seconds.

True story: Once when I was just old enough to drive, I was driving my younger brother somewhere (he was like 10 at the time). Helmet came on the radio and he said "I hate these bands who look normal and think they sound cool" and then scowled out the window like the little asshole that he was. I'm not exactly sure what point his pre-pubescent mind was trying to make but I found that I agreed with him that Helmet ultimately didn't sound very good. They were just a heavier version of a lot of other bland shit.

So I put in my tape of The Sundays just to piss him off even more and realized how much more important The Sundays were to me than throwaway heavy-alternative-rock.
Like an arrow,
I was only passing through.
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