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Thread: skyrim
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Old 08-02-2012, 08:42 AM   #388 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by LoathsomePete View Post
I just hit level 30 with my khajiit and finished the main Thieve's Guild storyline minus one quest that I can't do until I've finished all the minor ones given by two of the members. My sneak is at 79 and with some of my enchanted armor practically makes me invisible. My next major goal is to join the Dark Brotherhood because I've read about the guantlets that are part of their armor set that do double damage when attacking from behind. Considering I already took the assassin perk, with these guantlets I can start to do 30x the damage with my Superior Elves Daggar which pretty much means I can kill anything. Oh I chose to be an Agent of Stealth at the end of the Nightingale quest so now I can turn invisible for 2 minutes once a day. Add that to my race's natural night vision ability and you have one dangerous thief/ assassin.
Eventually you will reach a point where not matter what you will literally be able to steal the clothes right off of peoples' backs. And yes with those gauntlets you become lethal. Also if you want to be invisible for more than 2 minutes per day (on top of that perk) you can create an invisibility potion. Thieves Guild is the way to go! haha
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