Crossover Thrash? Deathcore? Who comes up with this sh*t? Sorry, I'm old and I'm running out of time so I can't be bothered to worry whether the punk rock I'm listening to is Speed Flap or Post Garbage Can. I just want to jump around and ROK out.
I do remember back in those 'Punk as Movement' days when some kids would get really snotty about what was and wasn't punk. Black Flag was hilariously notorious for playing sets of heavy metal and psychedelic covers whenever they faced an elitist punk crowd.
I understand what you're saying about being part of something, where maybe a particular type of music transcends a moment in time and becomes something more than the sum of it's parts, but I don't think that phenomenon is unique to punk rock. And I don't think it's fair to kill Punk off as a legitimate genre just because that moment has passed.
Punk is Punk, no matter how many dizzying sub genres you want to divide it up into and, as such, I think it's alive and well and always will be. Just one more crayon in the musical box, as it were.