Music Banter - View Single Post - Choose your favourite Iron Maiden albums
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Old 07-27-2012, 03:35 PM   #7 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
Here's a question: If I were going to check out one Iron Maiden album which one should it be?

Some background you should know before you answer:
  • I have heard a decent amount of Iron Maiden in my life, just never an entire album. I've had several friends who were fans, plus an older cousin who has been into them for pretty much my entire life.
  • The biggest reason I've never been able to get into them is the bombastic vocals and the fact that their music never seemed to have as much balls as it seems like it should.

I would like to give them a decent listen though, since they're so well-regarded.
The Number of the Beast, quite simply because its a landmark metal release. A lot on here criticize it as people often do with such revered albums, it does have a badly thought out song order at times but it is a defining metal album and when people say Maiden are the greatest metal band ever, its normally down to the fact that the basis of the Maiden sound with Dickinson was born here, so a great place to start.
Originally Posted by eraser.time206 View Post
If you can't deal with the fact that there are 6+ billion people in the world and none of them think exactly the same that's not my problem. Just deal with it yourself or make actual conversation. This isn't a court and I'm not some poet or prophet that needs everything I say to be analytically critiqued.
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