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Old 07-27-2012, 01:42 AM   #112 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by joy_circumcision View Post
What I would recommend to most is to seek those new genres and styles that can't be found in other decades - without a broader, unfortunately canonized context to compare most things to, personal exploration is freed up and the process becomes a lot more fun again.
A fantastic and thoughtful statement but I take it a step further.

The death of physical media is a simple step in a natural evolution. Folk music was once the music of the street and lower class; folk music was revolution music. As folk grew more popular and commercialized, that spirit of revolution and challenge passed on to blues, then jazz and eventually rock music. But these evolved too, until 80's street hip hop picked up the mantle. Hip hop has long since moved on as well and the cycle continues.

That's one example I think of how music, as a culture, keeps growing and changing. To want it to stay one particular way is to stem it. What is so poignant and powerful to you, I'm sure a generation or two above us feels is nonsense compared to the music of their time....and so it is with the generations ahead of us.

So music has strayed away from its original purpose of artistry, expression and inspiration and some of it is more focused on entertainment. If it entertains more power to it. Rather than judge the music of the future and hold it against the past, remember that all music is standing on the shoulders of those before it. There would be no Buckley without Nusrat Ali Khan, no Pink Floyd without Lennon, no Springsteen without the Who.

I say embrace the evolution of music, it is more an exciting time than ever since music is so accessible. The future is always more exciting than the past and, although it may not be the way we expect, I think the Elvis', Lennons and Mozart will all be dethroned in the future. There's so much experimentation and extraordinary musicianship out there today, whether its electropop, revival swing or even (and I'm not the biggest fan), dubstep.

Music is always its best right now and every generation is better than the one before it. Its not that music has changed so much in terms of expression or quality but rather, audiences are becoming more critical and judgemental. Its growing more and more important what an artist looks like physically, or where a band comes from, or the genre they're attempting. Which is a shame because it seems to be more about making a statement than connecting with a piece of work.

I loved our generation's music but more power to the next one. And to those who think that today's music all sucks, you're wrong. But you'll never know it because you've closed yourself off and decided that something is a certain way and that's how it will stay: in the past. And you never be inspired the same way you were when you heard that one amazing song, or be surprised and moved as when you found your favourite artist. And since the rest of the world really doesn't care what you think and will continue to evolve, you're only cheating yourself.

Last edited by 1moretroubadour; 07-27-2012 at 01:49 AM.
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