Originally Posted by Electrophonic Tonic
It depends of what side of his career you consider yourself a fan of: Humble Pie Peter Frampton or the 'Frampton Comes Alive' Peter Frampton.
Personally, I think 'Performance Rockin' the Fillmore' is one of the best live albums ever ...
I like both Framptons, if it's all right.

I also like that Humble Pie live album, but after so many years I've almost had my fill of bluesy (hard-)rock and appreciate those who try to do something else.
I'm not American, or English, and I was born after the 70s, but I suspect that the mere fact that "Frampton Comes Alive" sold so much (Peter Griffin from "Family Guy" is always saying: "Seriously, who doesn't own that album?") was enough to drive away a certain kind of fan. It's great hard rock, I don't see how it could be seen as a decline from Humble Pie (different though it is) or a sell-out. It's like Cream Clapton vs. Derek-And-The-Dominos Clapton: different. But I should say that I also don't much like Cream.
(If I may go off topic, I'd recommend Trower and Bruce's 2007 album "Seven Moons", which is for me ten times better than Cream.)
To me, in 2012, it's all new and I can appreciate it for what it is. "Something's Happening", "Doobie Wah" and maybe especially "Lines On My Face" are spectacular. Besides, they aren't kinds of songs that would appeal to a different audience from that of Humble Pie, are they. It's not as if they were pop. I mean, if the change of tone in FCA is enough to disturb fans, I expect those fans would despise some Steve Miller or everything ELO.
(I also recommend his much more recent rendition of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"—where his Les Paul doesn't weep that gently but does other awesome things.)
I've rambled. Apologies.