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Old 07-16-2012, 11:30 AM   #5077 (permalink)
Just Keep Swimming...
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Tea or Coffee?
Tea, if I had to pick one.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
I own quite a few Vinyls from my teen years, but no player. At some point I'll grab one though, so Vinyl.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?

What limb could you do without?
There's this tree outside in the parking lot with a limb that hangs over my parking spot.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?
I'd say about $15.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
I drink copiuos amounts of beer.
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