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Old 07-16-2012, 10:06 AM   #5076 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
Posts: 7,648

Tea or Coffee?
Coffee, which made living in the U.K. a bitch because there's no such thing as a good cup of coffee over there.

Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
I'm a pragmatic kind of guy with no real need for sentiment or nostalgia so this is pretty easy, CD.

If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?
Hmm... maybe Pink Floyd's. Regardless of what album I listen to I always find something I like.

What limb could you do without?
A foot, not the entire leg, just a foot.

What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?

$15 and that's on something I would really want, and then anywhere from $5-$10 on anything that's kind of in between. I really have no use for CD's anymore, they just sit there in the corner gathering dust and waiting to be stolen.

Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
I read a book or a wiki article on my iPad.
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