Tea or Coffee?
Would you rather own an album on vinyl or CD? (you would only be able to listen to the album via that specific medium for the rest of your life)
cd.....i was once an insane vinyl hound.....but sold 90% of my collection during hard times.....honestly the taste for it just never returned
If you had to own the discography of any band/artist, who's would it be?
Micheal Gira (which would include all books and writings and probably half of everything on Young God Records)
What limb could you do without?
Foetus - Limb (the dvd is amazing but the album is gut wrenching)
What is the maximum you would you spend on one specific record?
the most i've spent was $250
Do you have any specific routine you go through before you go to sleep?
sometimes....it all depends on how much i drank i suppose....but i always take my glasses off