Immortals (2011)
Caught this on Instant Netflix last night and am a little perplexed as to why the film only has 2 stars. I mean it's not perfect by any means, the second act really drags on because the film makes the time to try and flesh out all these broad, archetypical characters, mistakingly believing that the audience will care about their motivations. There's some story structure problems too, but that's always the case with Greek drama, and the film is a little too fond of filming in really dark locations which makes it hard to see what's going on. But you know what it doesn't have? Fu
cking goddamn shaky-cam in every god damn shot like
Wrath of the Titans, and that's just enough to make it far better. There's some absolutely beautiful cinematography, lush wideshots, and each frame looks like a painting that you could put up on a wall. Besides that the action is really good, especially in the third act when the Olympian Gods and Titans fight, it looks like a Mortal Kombat fight, except each hit is a fatality.
Basically it's an arthouse action movie that has a very similar story to thousands of other movies you may have seen, but a different look and feel to thousands of movies you may have seen, and to me that's enough.