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Old 07-10-2012, 10:07 PM   #1960 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Frownland was kind enough to send this album my way. Praxis, from what I've read, is a revolving door type of musical project in the vein of Pigface that varies quite a bit from track to track and album to album, with the only common thread being Bill Laswell. This works out well for me because I like Laswell a lot. Some of the other players are people I like a lot as well, such as Brain, John Zorn and Yamantaka Eye. Others are people I'm ambivalent about, such as Buckethead and Bernie Worrell. It's very good album, though fairly uneven, which is to be expected given the type of album it is. I'll definitely say its finest moments were also all of its most aggressive moments—songs like "Rivet", "Nine Secrets", "Stronghold" and "Suspension". The slower tracks, specifically "Deathstar" and "Crossing", I could have done without. Overall I'd recommend it to people who are fans of the general crowd of musicians featured. Thanks Frownland!

Funny side note: I actually saw a very similar line-up to who appears on this album live several years ago in the from of Colonel Claypool's Bucket of Bernie Brains (Brain, Buckethead and Worrell plus Les Claypool).
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