Originally Posted by Jack Pat
Shipp and Mingus tracks
I love Mingus to death, he's fantastic no matter what he does. Shipp, on the other hand, I've never really listened to, though I recognize the name. The track was quite nice, what do you think are his best albums?
Originally Posted by Janszoon
Thread stickied.
Really good call on Contemporary Noise Quintet by the way, Blaro! I DL'd that album earlier today and am loving it. 
Yeah, it's fantastic. The way that they have crazy avant garde improvisation with these beautiful melodies underneath is just awesome. Their work as a Quartet and Sextet are quite good as well.
That song you posted was great, by the way... will have to track them down.
Originally Posted by JosephMillerMusic
is daley considered as jazz? i saw him at the jazz cafe. hes awesome
Daley... who?
And today has been a jazzy day of epic proportions. It's been all over the map. From 20's big band to modern jazztronica to 80's fusion. Here's some highlights of the day.
Fletcher Henderson's "King Porter Stomp." This is a Jelly Roll Morton song, but is done quite well by Henderson.
Art Blakey & the Jazz Messengers' "Moanin'. " Not much to say about this. Blakey was a legendary drummer and band leader. His songs are great.
The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble's "Pearls For Swine." It's like... glitchy post rock, plus heavily distorted industrial music, plus experimental jazz. I love this band.
Return To Forever, "The Magician." Return To Forever is apparently an 80's jazz fusion band fronted by Chick Corea. I didn't know about them until today when I heard them. This is more instrumental rock than jazz, but because of some interesting call-and-response work between Corea's keyboard and Al Di Meola's electric guitar, I felt it deserved a place in this post.