Originally Posted by Forward To Death
Led Zeppelin, you could go with Hot Dog or All My Love.
Smoke On The Water by Deep Purple. That song is ****ing awful, I don't care how iconic that ripped off guitar riff is, that song is poorly written, and the music is cheap and unoriginal.
Yellow Submarine by The Beatles. Pure ****, no other way to put it, and I love the Beatles, but Yellow Submarine is junk and I try real hard to avoid listening to it.
Johnny B. Goode by Judas Priest. I know this is a cover, but they covered it in the worst, most lazy way imaginable. It's basically just a crappier metal version of the original with Rob's vocals, the guitar intro doesn't sound cool at all, which is what makes the song so iconic.
I agree with everything said here. Judas Priest is horrible. As for Alice in chains, Layne Stayle had a tortured mixed with a tinge of emotion to his voice, which fitted his lyrics. What do you expect it was grunge, a lot of it was centred around emotional issues.
About every cover on emotive except for Imagine is horrible.