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Old 07-05-2012, 07:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 25

Know Darkness. Okay, but not masterclass. The second link I din't know. Good.

Electronica, new wave and post punk were starting to emerge in the late 70s. Yes, true. But as a new mainstream wave we have to think of them as being in the early 80s.

More bands from the 70s? Well I listen to a lot of the 70s subgenres of classic rock. Glam rock, art rock, prog rock, hard rock, stadium rock, album rock, AOR rock and more. But the best bits are the one I already listed.

But as I said before: it's not like I only listen to classic rock. I love all kinds of music after the 70's and most top bands I love are from later than the 70s. But all of those bands and artist are artist that make music in a sense of post-rock. Whether that being metal, new wave, alt rock, indie, electronica, grunge, britpop and what have we? All of them wants to redefine rock based on the doctrines of what punk and krautrock told us. That the true essense of rock is not the volgure display of classic 70s rock but the pure energi and nerve of punk and the accept of modernity arriving in krautrock. Thats all good. But it killed classic rock. Rock after that was either dead or insane mainstream (do I have to say the like of Boston, REO Speedwagon, Toto, Foreigner and Journey....all good rock but very radio friendly and harmless).

Last edited by Jarvig; 07-05-2012 at 07:49 AM.
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