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Old 07-05-2012, 04:44 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Glasgow
Posts: 6

As has been said before, you need to look past the Top 40 "artists" played on Commercial Radio and go exploring. If you live in a big enough city you should be lucky enough to have a thriving underground music scene right on your doorstep. Even when I lived in Inverness, a diddy little city away up North, there were some cracking bands available, all trying their best to perform and bring their music to people!

And now I've moved to Glasgow there is a ridiculous amount of local, underground music to take advantage of. The scene here is so supportive, with artists and promoters all working hard to create the best live shows possible.

Here's an idea, if you're sick of what's played on the radio or the TV, get up from your chair and go down to your local venue, be that a purpose built facility or the grungy little pub down the road, and see what's being created there.
Over the last year I have discovered some phenomenal musicians, and had the good luck to share a stage with them

Look up bands such as "Twisted Rainbow", "The Found Outs", "Shutter", "Picnic Basket Nosedive" and "Hopeless Heroic" for just a sample of great underground music!
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