Music Banter - View Single Post - Obamacare has been upheld by the supreme court
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Old 06-28-2012, 05:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
TheBig3's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Posts: 11,172

In Massachusetts its:

The 2011 tax year penalties are:

Income and Age 150.1-200% FPG 200.1-250% FPG 250.1-300% FPG Above 300% FPG
Age 18-26 Above 300% FPG
Age 27+
Tax penalty $19 per month
$228 per year $38 per month
$456 per year $58 per month
$696 per year $72 per month
$864 per year $101 per month
$1212 per year

Or for a chart that isn't ****ed up:
I've moved to a new address
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