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Thread: Smoking
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Old 06-26-2012, 03:38 PM   #11 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by Zer0 View Post
It's kind of funny that you saw them as exotic, they're one of the most popular brands on this side of the pond! Then again if I was to go over to American I would find all your brands exotic and fascinating. Silk Cut aren't bad though, I used to smoke them for a period.

I usually stick to Marlboro Gold, I've tried quite a few different brands and I've always found myself going back to them for some reason. I managed to give up smoking for three whole weeks recently but the urge to have a cigarette just kept getting to me and I just gave in.
The shopkeeper i use to go to said I was the only person under the age of about 40 to ask for Silk Cuts, he told me they were a really popular brand in the late '80's and early '90's, but had fallen out of favor because of cheaper brands.

Originally Posted by right-track View Post
Made to feel like a social leper on a recent visit to Florida. I must know every designated smoking area in Disney World by now!
Does anyone in the U.S. still smoke?

I ran out of rolling tobacco and was forced out of sheer desperation to buy Marlboro brand ciggys. An set of bellows surgically fitted up my arse was needed just to get a decent drag!!!
it could have been worse, you could have been in California where you'll be lynched for sparking up within 700 miles of a playground
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