Originally Posted by LoathsomePete
Dirty Harry (1971)
Finally got around to filling this particular gap in my viewing spectrum. Overall I liked it, mostly because I finally got to see where all the cop movie archetypes from other movies came from, and well... Harry Callahan is just a badass.
The shot with him on the bridge as the bus passes by is so cool and the film holds up really well considering it's age.

I haven't seen this film for at least 15 years and it hasn't aged well but it still has a curious charm. Schoolteachers who also happen to be ex- military androids dispensing punishment in a lawless society. Great stuff

I managed to get through the first 30 mins before turning it off so I haven't really watched it!
Utter garbage and it tries far too hard to be cool and hip but ends up being a pastiche of far better films. If a film wants to be ultra violent - then stay that way and be intense or offset it with humour and a tongue in cheek approach. This film did neither and even ripped off an entire scene from Shoot Em Up (which is what this film wanted to be). Crap.

Mentioned it briefly in other threads. Rented it last week and bought it this week. Stunning film.