Dog/house sitting for an older couple who have a positively ancient dog with a lot of weird habits and dietary needs. I love dogs, but I would hate owning this one. It is super greedy for treats and food, but incredibly picky. Half the time it does not approve of what you give it so it just won't eat.
Went to the going-away party for a friend of mine who is going to be living in a Haitian orphanage for several months. Was really great, and since almost everyone she knows is a musician, there was an awesome jam band playing.
And speaking of bands, looks like I'm finally going to be playing in one again. I've been wanting to play regularly with people since my last band dissolved, and starting next Saturday I'll have a chance. I have no idea what kind of music I'll be playing, but knowing who is playing, it's probably going to be some kind of jazzy folky jam band, with lots of spontaneous improv. Which is great with me.
Life is good.