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Old 06-22-2012, 10:26 PM   #37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Mrd00d View Post
Potentially brilliant, although based on what I know...remember... of integrals and derivatives, that would have been better suited for an integral.

The integral of Dream Theater from 1999 to 2003 (or whenever LTE's first and last album came out)= LTE

idunno, maybe yours is more fitting.
I was talking about band members, which is entirely different compared to the quality of music (oh subjectivism, that wretched beast).

So, since derivatives are f'(x) = (n)x^(n-1) and ∫xdx = (x^(n+1))/n, the integral is usually higher than the original function and the derivative is usually lower. I put mine in terms of band members, so Dream Theater minus one member (and sort of disregarding the divided by n part) would equal Liquid Tension Experiment. If you put it in terms of genius, then the addition of a squared exponent would be appropriate, I suppose.

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